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Let Legislators Know You Support the ESA and Oppose Cuts in Funding for Imperiled Species

The Issue:

Proposed budget cuts and attacks on the Endangered Species Act (ESA) threaten manatees and other wildlife. The ESA is our nation’s most effective law in protecting wildlife and plants in danger of extinction. More than 99 percent of listed species have been saved from the brink of extinction, including the manatee. As Congress works to develop its budget for the coming fiscal year, let them know that you want to continue these protections for wildlife.

There is still time to act! The proposed budget is just a starting point. Congress sets the final budget, and there has historically been strong bipartisan support for conservation programs, which remain immensely popular with the American public.

What You Can Do:

U.S. Residents: Please add your information below to send a message to your U.S. Senators and Representative, asking them to support the ESA and oppose cuts in funding for imperiled species


  • Your Senators
  • Your Representative


*Required fields


I support the ESA and oppose cuts in funding

Dear [Decision Maker],


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